Please this is an updated version of the post,check the last paragraph down for an important info.

Yesterday I posted about how to get free airtime on all your lines,in case u missed it,check it out below

Recommended: how to get free airtime on your lines,review of the best apps

I also promised to post how to convert airtime to real physical money today,there are quite a lot of ways to go by it,but I will only post one which I think is best.

A lot of you might have been looking for a convenient way of exchanging your airtime for real cash for a very long time but seems to find none. Don’t panic, you can now exchange your airtime for real cash. All the Airtime your Bros and Sis has been sending you need not go for calls alone; you can convert it to cash. The N5,000 you earn from MyAds can be converted to cash and it will be deposited in your bank account. All the airtime boo has been sending bae need not go for unnecessarily calls; you can simply deposit it in your bank account.

How Can I Convert my Airtime to Cash?
The answer is Zoranga!
Zoranga is a platform that gives you opportunity to convert airtime to cash. It allows you to Fund any account in Nigeria without visiting the bank. As well you can send money to any Zoranga account. It is one of the simplest ways to send money to a love one or fund your bank account without visiting your bank account.there are also other platforms but most of them have their minimum treshhold to be #4000

No Bank required, No ATM required… Just your Airtime!

This is Why You Should Make Use of Zoranga

>>You can deposit money into your bank account with your Airtime

>>You can send money to your love ones with your Airtime

>>You can allow friends to make donation to you via social media

>>You can even become an agent with Zoranga.

How Can I Join?
Visit and sign up, after you sign up, you can follow the remaining steps in setting up your account.

Note: there is a charge of 13.5% of your airtime if you are using airtime to account direct payment and 10% trough agents.

It is simple. It is better and a life saver. zoranga is ere to EPP

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I just confirmed zoranga doesn't accept share and sell again,only Zora pins and recharge pins, but after speaking with one of their agents for a while, it seems like they would accept the money if its much and am still working on getting other means of converting airtime to money

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