Ever wanted to visit one of Google's school, Apply now for google Inside look

Google is inviting Computer Science students and other related courses graduating in 2017 to apply to Google's new Inside Look events, which will provide students with an inside view into working as a Software Engineer at Google.

It is an opportunity for qualified students who have Ever wanted to visit a Google office and hear directly from their engineers about the cutting edge products and projects they are working on.

Google is  hosting Inside Look events in September 2016 at Google Warsaw and Google Zürich.  Each Inside Look event will focus on products Googlers are developing in that office and will include a mix of tech talks, panels, hands-on workshops and - in true Google fashion - plenty of food and Google goodies.

Google also announced that they will provide travel grants to selected students who apply before July 24 and the final shortlist would be published mid August and all applicants notified.

There are two events to be held; Inside look:cloud and Inside look: inbox and YouTube,you can only apply for one

Inside look:cloud

The inside look cloud event is scheduled for September 23 at Google Warsaw.

Google runs a huge network of data centers across 15 locations around the world. Each data center is home to tens of thousands machines, with each machine running dozens of user applications.  The Warsaw office works on wide set of tools that make it easy and efficient for users to run their applications in data centers. These tools are used by product teams at Google (from Youtube to Google Docs, Android, Analytics and Maps) and by external developers via the Google Cloud Platform.

At the Inside Look: Cloud event in Warsaw you'll learn more about the projects the Cloud teams are working on, including:

Borg - software used to manage, monitor and optimize Google's datacenters

Compute Engine, Cloud Functions - which help external developers to run their software in Cloud 

Kubernetes - an open source Cluster Management System which helps users to manage their physical machines at home

This day-long event will include a mix of tech talks and a hands-on workshop. 

Inside Look: YouTube and Inbox

The inside look cloud event is scheduled for September 30 at Google Zurich.

YouTube's Content ID technology has the ability to scan every video uploaded against millions of hours of copyright protected material. This highly accurate technology uses Deep Learning and neural networks, and is fully developed out of Zurich. Participants will enjoy a tech talk from the engineering teams driving this project, and engage in a hands on workshop to explore the technology used on this product area.

The Inbox team has developed the Smart Reply feature to help users by automatically suggesting replies that are customized to the content of a received email message. Participants will hear from the engineering team developing this feature and learn about the machine learning technology SmartReply uses to recognize emails that need responses and to generate natural language responses on the fly.


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